Join us in Austin November 2nd: Next TCJS Public Meeting
October 27, 2023
RSVP to learn more about traveling with Texas Jail Project for the November 2nd, 2023 public meeting of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards.
Topics: TCJS

Thursday, November 2nd, 2023
9:00 AM
Texas State Capitol, Room: E2.028
1700 Congress Ave
Austin, Texas, 78701
Agency Website
Watch Live-Stream (Day-Of)
Let’s Set the Record Straight in Austin. Jails Don’t Keep Us Safe.
Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) is the only “regulatory” agency for all 242 county jails in Texas. The Commission is made up of 9 commissioners (appointed by the Governor) and a staff of jail inspectors. TCJS only has four public meetings a year. The next one is on Thursday August 3rd at 9 am.
That means only four opportunities to speak on the record directly about jail conditions, law enforcement misconduct, proposed law changes, etc.
Worse, TCJS refuses to allow virtual public comment. So family members are forced to take a day off work to drive to Austin if they have the means to do so.
Texas Jail Project is working to change that. Join us!
Join us!
The TCJS public meetings are held every three months, typically on the first Thursday of every quarter (i.e. February, June, August & November). RSVP below to learn more and be connected with other TJP community members.

We’re stronger together.
- Connect with other survivors of jail harm and meet other families with incarcerated loved ones.
- Get help writing and practicing your public comment.
- Access transportation and meal assistance to travel to Austin.
- Find power and truth in sharing your story.
- Learn more about jail issues and how to take the fight against jails back to your hometown.
Let us know if you’re interested in coming with us to Austin by filling out this form.