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Falls County Non-Compliant Jail Report

Jail Name
Falls County 
Report Date
Number of days
Original Report
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Notes and Summary
  • Documentation reviewed failed to show that all staff received required life safety training no less than each calendar quarter for the year 2023.
  • The facility fire panel was red-tagged on February 16, 2024 and repairs have not been completed.
  • The veteran status of prisoners has not been verified through the Veterans Reentry Search Service since May 30, 2022.
  • The Falls County operational plan for Classification states that a monthly audit of the classification system will be conducted. Documentation provided and reviewed during the inspection showed that audits of the classification system were not conducted for 8 months during year 2023.
  • Administration was unable to provide records of mental disability/suicide training for staff in accordance with the approved Mental Disability / Suicide Prevention operational plan. There was also no record of training located within TCOLE records on TCLEDDS.
  • The review of a custodial death revealed that the magistrate was not notified within 12 hrs in accordance with Code of Criminal Procedure Article 16.22. During the Comprehensive Inspection, 3 out 10 files were found where the magistrate was not notified within 12 hrs in accordance with CCP 16,22 when warranted by positive responses on the screening form or positive returns on CCQs.
  • During the review of a custodial death, it was found that the CCQ was ran approximately 18 days after intake. During the Comprehensive Inspection, 8 out of 10 inmate files reviewed revealed that checks against the CCQ system were not conducted for 24 hrs to 6 days after intake.
  • Documentation reviewed during the inspection revealed that observation checks of inmates are routinely conducted late. Specifically, 60-minute observation checks of inmates were found to have been conducted anywhere from 1 minute to 59 minutes late. Additionally, 30-minute observation checks of inmates were found to be late by 1 minute to 1 hour and 17 minutes.
  • During the review of staff licensing, it was determined that a staff member does not possess a valid TCOLE Jailers License. The identified staff member has actively worked within the facility following the expiration of temporary licenses.
  • During the review of staff licensing, it was determined that four staff members appointed as temporary jailers were not registered for a basic licensing course on or before the 90th day after appointment.
  • Staffing records reviewed from December 2023 to February 2024 revealed that staffing levels for the facility exceeded the required 1 to 48 ratio approximately 10% of the time. Staffing levels were found to be as high as 1 to 58.
  • The annual inspection of the facility by health authorities was last conducted March 3, 2022 placing the inspection past due by 24 months.
  • Administration provided 8 food manager/food handlers certificates for review. Seven of the eight certificates were found to be expired and no longer valid. The certificates reviewed would have been expired for up to 1 year. On the day of inspection, there were no staff members present who possessed a valid food manager/food handlers’ certificate.
  • Documentation provided and reviewed for January and February 2024, failed to show that inmates are provided at least 1 hour of supervised physical exercise or physical recreation at least three days per week.

See news coverage from KCENTV.

Violation Types
  • Classification And Separation Of Inmates - Chapter 271: Classification and Separation of Inmates
  • Food Service - Chapter 281: Food Service
  • Health Services - Chapter 273: Health Services
  • Licensing Issues - Chapter 275.2
  • Life Safety Rules
  • Records And Procedures
  • Recreation And Exercise
  • Supervision Of Inmates - Chapter 275.1

Falls County Non-compliant Jail Reports

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